
Salary in Digital Marketing Jobs in India 2024 [Updated]

salary of digital marketing in India

This article will help you understand the salary in digital marketing in India. Digital marketing is the current trend and is growing rapidly nationally and internationally. The reason behind this is the developments in technologies and digitalization. Economy, health, public services, etc., are currently coming and serving on the digital platform. In such a situation, it becomes necessary for all the leading groups and companies to involve themselves in digital marketing to stand out in the growing competition. Here is a description of digital marketing education, and digital marketing salary in India.

The Boom in Digital Marketing Courses

As the digital trends began, the education industry also made significant developments in the field of digital marketing education. Institutions have introduced many new digital marketing courses for students. These courses were available earlier also but with the growing trends, the number of students involved in these courses has increased a lot.

Different digital marketing courses have different lengths. Some may end up in just a few months, and some may take a few years, like other professional degree courses. It is completely up to an individual what to choose, and it depends on whether the student just wants to add digital marketing to enhance their portfolio or wants to learn all the basics and advances of digital marketing and become a professional in this course.

digital marketing salary in india

Why Do Companies Hire Professionals for Digital Marketing with High Salarys?

Digital marketing helps companies to perform on digital platforms and gain profits. The profits earned are more than the capital invested in digital marketing. Companies hire professionals for digital marketing. For a person who is a beginner in digital marketing salary in India may range from 3.5 to 5 lakhs per annum.

The companies spend this amount for the below-mentioned reasons:
• To make proper strategies for digital marketing
• To carry out marketing on digital platforms professionally
• To follow the digital marketing trends
• To get the best profits from digital marketing
• To engage in customer-friendly digital marketing tactics
These are some of the reasons why companies hire professionals for digital marketing.

salaries for digital marketing

Careers In Digital Marketing

As the digital marketing trends are growing it is quite clear that the era of digital marketing is not going to end soon. It will undergo notable developments in the coming times. In such a situation people who are working or going to get employed in the digital marketing sector have a bright and successful career ahead.

There are many jobs in the field of digital marketing, like the Digital Marketing Manager, Data Analyst, Social Media Manager, SEO Expert, User Experience Designer, etc. that people can opt for. The average salary for Digital Marketing in India is 2.5 to 5 lacks per annum for beginners and 5 to 8 lacks per annum for those who are at higher posts.

People who want to make a career in digital marketing can take relevant degrees and work with firms and multinational companies to establish themselves. They surely have a bright and growing future in this field. So this is all about digital marketing salary in India and its scope in India.

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